A Swindon clinic has been recognised with a prestigious award for its successful work with patients.

Kube Medical, a chiropractic, osteopathic and physiotherapy clinic, has been awarded the Patient Partnership Quality Mark by the Royal College of Chiropractors (RCC).

The clinic, located at the Nexus Business Centre on Darby Road, has been listed for several other accolades recently.

Following hot on the heels of awards nominatons from the British Chiropractic Association, this latest award recognises the clinic for its management of patients.

The RCC is a registered charity, promoting quality, safety and professionalism in chiropractic. The college’s evidence-based awards allow chiropractic clinics to demonstrate their commitment to patient experience and care.

Since receiving the PPQM award for the 2019-22 period, the clinic has experienced considerable growth, more than doubling in size and adding a number of ancillary services.

This latest successful application helps the team maintain focus on its patients. 

Clinical director Samantha Campbell said “We pride ourselves on patient experience.

"The application process for awards helps us to draw on the experience and knowledge of our broader profession. It allows us to ensure we are using best practices.”

The process covers a broad range of topics, such as information, communication, marketing, patient management and health and safety.

Applicants are required to provide evidence of how they meet the standards in each of the categories.

“It’s easy to lose sight of the detail when running a large and diverse practice,” says co-director Patrick Campbell.

“Participating in these awards helps us challenge our approach to ensure we are delivering for our patients at a consistently high level.”

The team was delighted to be shortlisted for the British Chiropractic Association’s Excellence Awards 2022 in the autumn.

Kube Medical was shortlisted for the Clinic of the Year award.

CocoMehendo Gyaba, who has been at the clinic since graduating in 2020, was also shortlisted for New Chiropractor of the Year.

The clinic has now set its sights on adding the College’s Clinical Management Quality Award to its collection this year.

Kube Medical claims to be Swindon’s only multi-disciplinary clinic that combines the skills of chiropractors, osteopaths, McTimoney chiropractors, physiotherapists, acupuncturists, cranial chiropractors, rehabilitation, shockwave therapy, laser therapy, sports and massage therapists.

For more information visit www.kubemedical.co.uk