A fox scaled a two storey home in Swindon this weekend to sunbathe on the property’s roof.

Carl Davies of Lawn was having a barbeque with friends on Sunday evening when the group noticed the unusual sight.

“We were sat in the garden eating when one of my friends spotted a pair of ears on the neighbour’s house,” he said.

“He looked like he had been sunbathing up there and was not in any distress and seemed to be chilling out.”

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The 52-year-old is an amateur wildlife photographer so was quick to react to the scenario.

“I went back in to fetch the camera but by that stage the fox was running across the roof,” said Carl.

“We were all very shocked as it is a two storey detached house so we wondered how it got up there and we were worried it may be stuck but it seemed to get down okay.

Carl mainly takes photographs of birds but occasionally he snaps foxes but has never seen one climb a house before.

“We have had them on shed roofs but not on top of a building but they are pretty agile so they can scale fences pretty easily,” he said.

“Foxes are very much part of the community here and a welcome one mainly as most people who live around here encourage it.”