More police patrols have been promised after the introduction of welcomd parking measures around a Swindon junior school are being ignored by some. 

New signage and double yellow lines were installed on streets near Oliver Tomkins CE VA Schools in April, with the aim to deter irresponsible parking putting children at risk. 

But following the addition of these new measures, some parents of children at the school and locals living nearby pointed out that not everyone was obeying the new road rules in the area, and were still parking on double yellows. 

Images seen by the Advertiser and posted on social media showed multiple vehicles parked illegally, including one vehicle parked entirely off the road on a grassed area on the corner of Edington Close. 

Now councillor Sean Wilson, who welcomed the initial addition of the signage and double-yellow lines, has provided an update to say that further action is going to be taken to punish drivers who flout the regulations put in place. 

He said: "We welcome the new measures introduced. They are extending the area of double yellow lines and putting up signs warning motorists about parking in dangerous locations.

"One additional measure we have asked the Borough Council to implement is adding “Residents only parking” signs to the parking bays of the streets with Council Housing. It’s more difficult to do this on streets where the properties are privately owned. 

"Over the years, the number of parents dropping children off by car at schools has increased significantly.

"In the Case of Oliver Tomkins School, it’s around 15% of children who arrive by car. Most parents park safely however a small minority park recklessly in dangerous areas such as road junctions, pavements, and in front of driveways. Additionally, they cause damage to the grass verges they park on.

"In recent months the Borough Council has sent out traffic wardens to ticket irresponsible motorists which has been welcomed by residents. The changes will be assessed and reviewed for effectiveness in the coming weeks."

Parish councillor Leon Grother added: “The local police have also agreed to do more patrols at the time of the school run.

"Unfortunately police staffing levels have been very low and we challenged the current Police & Crime Commissioner to change this at a recent parish Council meeting.”

Leon Grother is running for a borough council position in the area. The other candidates are Caryl Sydney-Smith (Conservative), Chris Shepherd (Lib Dem) and Robert Pettefar (Trade Unionist & Socialist Coalition).