I can only start by saying thank you to everyone for your wonderful comments and the support you’ve shown me on the blog. It really means a lot to me. You know I wasn’t feeling great last week, and I got a big lift from reading all that people said about me and the blog. Honestly, I was thrilled.

So I’m back from Devon, where Jackie and I enjoyed a five day break taking Christmas presents down and visiting the family, the grandkids and our friends down there. It was a lovely time. We spent a lot of time talking, enjoying ourselves, having a beer or two. They read the blog too, so here’s my opportunity to thank them and wish them a happy Christmas.

I’m looking forward to a quiet Christmas at home. On Christmas day our son Lee and his wife Nicky are coming down to be with us, and Jackie’s mum will be with us too. It promises to be a great day. I’m trying to save some of my energy in readiness for it, so I’m resting up now when I can.

I’m at Day Hospice today, and I’m just about to enjoy my first Christmas lunch of the season. I’ve said before, the food here is great and the company’s pretty good too. They’re having a bit of a Christmas sing-song at the moment...I’m not the religious type, so I’m taking a break from it to write the blog.

As you’ll know, it’s been some weeks since I last had any chemo, and I’m doing ok. I can only hope that this continues into the new year. 2008 has been a difficult year for obvious reasons, but I’ve stayed optimistic and it’s served me well. I’m not going to let my outlook change. The support I have had from the beginning of the year – from the staff at GWH, my GPs, Prospect Hospice, the readers of this blog, my family and friends but, most importantly of all, my good lady Jackie – has got me to where I am today. I couldn’t have done it without you.

So, that’s it from me for 2008. Thanks for reading...mumstheword, allyT, dolphinlady, funkypablo, swindonbornandbred , and anyone else who’s been reading and commenting on the blogs, have a great Christmas, and a safe new year. I’ll catch up with you again in January.

Take care, Paul